Thursday, September 25, 2008

October is Folklore Month!

October we are working on the folklore, achievement 4 in our Bear books. Each Cub has been given an assignment to prepare a presentation about their folklore subject on October 8th (Cindy Norr & Terra Jacobs' group or October 9th (Sarah Evans & Chantelle King's group).

Here is a list of the assignments:
Dallin I. - Rip VanWinkle
Mason - Big Foot or Sasquatch
Sawyer - Lost Dutchman
Kyle - Pecos Bill
Nolan - Davy Crocket
Timothy - Ichabod Crane
Chris - Old Stormalong
Dallin S. - Casey Jones
Hayden - John Henry
Easton - Daniel Boone
Andrew - Paul Bunyan
Ben - Zorro

For this assignment the boys need to find out as much as they can about their subject. They can dress up and bring props too! Have fun with can totally be a family activity!

The rest of the month's activities are as follows...

October 15th - Folklore video day
October 20th - Trip to the pumpkin patch. Meet at Sis. Norr's home at 8:30 am
October 29th - Carving pumpkins...please clean out the pumpkins before the activity. also if you have an electric drill w/drill bit that you wouldn't mind our son using please bring that too. We will be drilling instead of carving the pumpkins.

Please call your leaders with any questions or concerns. Have fun!!

1 comment:

Debie Spurgeon said...

We'll get working. This is great, thanks Sara.